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Easy Digital Downloads File Store for Dropbox Addon GPL v2.0.5

Easy Digital Downloads File Store For Dropbox Addon


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Easy Digital Downloads File Store for Dropbox Addon GPL Overview:

Your files are everything. They are the products that you have labored to create, and the entire reason your customers give you their hard-earned money. Doesn’t it make sense to keep them as safe as possible while also making them easy to manage and reliably distribute?

We think so, which is why we’re huge proponents of storing and serving product files from a third-party file hosting service, instead of from your web server.

For this reason, we’ve created the Dropbox extension for Easy Digital Downloads. It integrates your store with Dropbox so you can store and deliver files from a file-hosting service instead of your web host.

Easy Digital Downloads File Store for Dropbox Addon GPL Features

  • Store files separate from your web host
    Your website and your digital product are different from each other. Why store them both in the same place? By using Dropbox along with Easy Digital Downloads, you can keep your website on your web server and your digital product files in your Dropbox account.
  • Your customers will never know the difference but you will definitely appreciate the benefits of being able to manage your files where they belong.
  • Select existing files or upload new files from the download edit screen
    Your product files will be stored separately from the rest of your site’s media, but it won’t affect your workflow. With this extension, you can use the standard media management popup to browse, select, and insert files from Dropbox into your download product.
  • Fast, secure delivery regardless of file size
    Easy Digital Downloads automatically generate unique download links for every customer with configurable expirations to prevent unauthorized file sharing
  • This feature still works perfectly with the Dropbox extension. Plus, Dropbox makes it much easier to support large product files which otherwise commonly cause issues when uploaded directly to a site’s media library.


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Item Information

Last Update: November 22, 2022
Released: July 12, 2022
